Sunday, January 16, 2011

Like Mother, Like Daughter

I can't help but giggle as I sit here at the computer.  I'm at Mom & Dad's in Dayton, and the excitement about our cruise is contagious!  Mom is way pumped about our vacation... so excited that she could hardly sleep lastnight! haha.. Living in a town away from where I grew up, I get questions about my family pretty often.  (Especially working with the public, they want to get personal) When someone asks me, "Who do you look like?" My answer is always..Dad!  When they ask, "Who do you act like?"  Mom is the right answer!  And this is the perfect example.

This morning I was in Mom & Dads bathroom..(i call it the bathroom suite)...and Mom said,  "Sis, I'm so excited! Now, do you and Sara have a balcony room, too?"  "Yes, mom, we're right beside yall." "Oh, ok, I was just wondering.  (silence..) Oh man, I wonder if we are going to be below the water, or on top of the water?"  ...long pause, and I stared at Mom like...What??  Then we busted out laughing at the same time, and she said, "Well, I guess above the water if we have balcony, right?"  Oh Lordy!!!  haha...This is going to be a great trip!! 

1 comment:

  1. I think I love your mom and that we should be friends! Does she have blonde hair? Like not physically speaking blonde hair, but blonde hair at heart. Because oh friend, I do! Case in point, I didn't even catch your joke until you pointed out the funny!

    Excited for yall! Have oh so much fun!!

    We are equally pumped about singing Friday night! You should hear the conversations we have been having!!! :) The closer it gets, the more exciting!!

