Yep, this is what you think! Donny & I are going to parents!! Whoa. Kinda crazy! Actually...Super Crazy!!
The news is starting to sink in...just so hard to believe since I'm not sick, super exhausted, or down right mean. I can't say I'm not moody....Donny would definitely tell you that I am! Don't get me wrong, I'm so thankful far...I've skipped the nausea! Pray that this will continue.
I'm so confused..I really don't know how far along I am...I know that sounds crazy, but here's why. I went to the dr at 7 weeks 3 days, but they baby was measuring 6 weeks. So they called me 6 weeks. Then I went back 2 weeks later, at what I would think was 9 weeks 3 days, but they didn't measure the little pumpkin...and on the sonogram it says 9 weeks 3 days...but according to the size from the first one, I would just be 8 weeks 3 days. I have no idea! Too funny, huh!! I'm so not good at this! haha... So I guess I'll just go by the size of the little kidney bean....which means today the babe' is 9 weeks!
One more week until double digits!!! How stinkin' exciting!
Here is my quick, little rant for today...
I'm trying not to let negative people influence me in negative ways...This is very hard for me because I don't know a lot..about a lot of things...and others are way more experienced than me in a lot of I let them skew my ideas and thoughts on things...BUT.NO.MORE!! I'm serious! NO.MORE! I have faith that everything will go according to His plans!
I have to say, this sure is a NEW YEAR, NEW ADVENTURE! whoa! :)
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Dog Days of Summer
Donny & I are sitting here, on this Sunday afternoon...with what sounds like a little storm a-brewin' outside...watching "K-9." Its an older movie, but its so-o-o-o funny! That got me thinking of the saying "Dog Days of Summer."
Dog days are known as the hottest & muggiest days of the year, usually between July & September. That came from back in the day when the ancient people read constellations. This time of year, they saw the dog star, called Sirius. The ancients believed that the heat from the constellation in conjunction with the heat of the sun caused the sultry weather. This explains the horrible heat wave throughout America today. So that's your history lesson for the day.
But speaking of ....dogs...I wanted to share a few pics of my loves with you.
This is the newest of the Goldens...Copper... He's going to be a HUGE pup. At 8 weeks old, he was already weighing in at 16 pounds. We were told he is probably going to be 80 pounds. I've never had a big, big dog this should be an interesting journey.
Then we have Chico. He's a hoot! This boy is a mess...and Donny's best friend...when he is armed with the nerf gun. I love this pic because it shows Chico at his best..with a leaf in his beard & everything! Hahaha...that's Chico for ya!
Little princess Lola Bell. Well, that's it...she's the spoiled rotten one. Lola & I are out numbered by Donny, Chico & Copper, so needless to say...we stick together!
I loved this picture of Nestle & Copper...Nestle is Donny's 120 pound, obese, chocolate Lab..She has totally taken Copper under her wing & I like to think that she is teaching him the "ways of life!!!" :)
I had to add this picture of Boots...He's the meow meow that survives life with all the dogs...poor little fella has to hide in the trees to get a little peace & quiet!
So, I may not be the constellation readin' ancient.....but these are MY "Dog Days!!"
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Long Time..No Post...
So much has happened here in the Golden house since that last post. It feels like its been 10 years since my last post.
Ty graced us with his presence for a week. It was b.u.s.y! He had VBS in the mornings, and we tried to do fun stuff in the afternoon. Poor little guy got so sick on this trip. This insane stomach bug was going around his house...but I'm so glad that Donny & I didn't get it. That Friday we went to Splash Kingdom. It was sooo much fun! Here's a few pictures from our week.
Group shot from the VBS Program.

Ty graced us with his presence for a week. It was b.u.s.y! He had VBS in the mornings, and we tried to do fun stuff in the afternoon. Poor little guy got so sick on this trip. This insane stomach bug was going around his house...but I'm so glad that Donny & I didn't get it. That Friday we went to Splash Kingdom. It was sooo much fun! Here's a few pictures from our week.
Group shot from the VBS Program.
Last weekend I went to Dayton & had an awesome weekend. Laying out by the pool & visiting with the fam took up the majority of the weekend. I was so excited because I got to see 2 of my high school friends...Keely & Amy! We haven't seen each other since Keely's wedding 4 years ago. Oh my! It was a blast. We really should do that more often. Catching up, great food & getting to meet little Avery was such a great time!
There are about to be some changes around here...more of that to come in future weeks!
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