Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer Lovin'


I used to love summer even more...before I was a "workin' gal!"  Its hard to believe that I have been in this crazy dental world for 10 years...and a hygienist for 6 years!  Whoa..when I think of it like that...I kinda start to feel old!

Summer as a kid was AWESOME!!  My childhood best friend, Brandie & I would dress up in my super-stylish, rocky mountain jeans, (which I had in EVERY color), matching shirt & boots...and pretend to do glamour shots by the brick fireplace...True.Story. What were we thinking!! hahaha My favorite pictures were the bathing suit pics out by the pool. Now, keep in mind, we had to WAIT to use the ENTIRE roll of film BEFORE we were able to see these awesome creations!  Good times, good times!

Remember that area in WalMart, I think we called it, "The Photo Center!!" They made so much money off of my parents at the One Hour Photo!  Kiddos these days have no idea what its like to have to WAIT for your FILM to be DEVELOPED!!  lol...I say that like I'm some old, wise owl! 

One of my favorite things to do in the summer was to invite my friends over to swim!  I loved it when Emily's mom, Mrs. Urban, would drop her off at my house on her way to work in the morning!  I would be so excited that Emily was coming over, I could barely sleep the night before!! Donuts for breakfast, pizza for lunch, and lots of homemade cookies...Good times, good times!

As I got older...we would go on GREAT vacations!  

Camping in Bandera was a tradition!  And when I say camping...I mean roughing it running water, no electricity, cooking over the open fire, bathe in the Medina River kind of camping!  It was great!  Kelli, Brandie, Glenna, Stacey & Bobby were just a few of my friends that I was able to make memories with throughout the years!  Cheer camps, steer shows, & driving the truck while the football boys hauled hay...these were all good times, good times!!

Cancun was a great vacation with the Carmacks; Cozumel with my family for graduation...I really could just go on & on about the family trips & the places we've been...the times that I hauled poor, little Rocky (my very, very favorite stuffed animal) with me...the windows that my brothers held him out of...most of the time tied to a rope of some sort, just so they could hear me scream...Wooowzers!!  Good times, good times!

Although I NEVER see most of the people I have mentioned in this blog, I still have those precious memories of sweet summertime & summer lovin'!

I'm excited about all memories that I can create with my nieces & nephews! I know that these...too....will be good times!!

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